GMK Yugo
GMK Yugo is a people's keycap set — it was designed by a keycap collective including ADRO3, audiosl4ve, darko, Emir, konstantin (constexpr), and spakecdk. Inspired by the iconic Yugoslavian car, GMK Yugo is being retrofitted for the US market through the essential Capitalist Kit.
If you love nostalgia from the Cold War, Yugo is the set for you. The Yugo automobile was first produced in the 1980s by Serbian arms manufacturer Zastava as a generic version of the Fiat 127. Targeted toward first time car buyers, the Yugo was affordable, quirky, and downright terrible.
Here are some reviews of the famous automobile:
Car Talk - “the single Worst Car of the last Millennium” — Article
CNN - "hard to recommend at any price" — Article
Jeremy Clarkson - “a hateful, hateful car" — YouTube Link
Eric Peter, Automotive Atrocities: The Cars We Love to Hate: “The Yugo will likely hold in perpetual ignominy the title of 'Worst Car Ever Sold to the American Public..."
This keycap set makes use of custom RAL colors and will be produced by the legendary German manufacturer GMK, a factory known for its quality and attention to detail. Indeed, this instance of the Yugo may be the only time in history this brand name has been produced to reasonable standards.
- Doubleshot ABS Plastic
- Cherry Profile
- Produced by GMK